Squirrel (Year 2)

Please look at the key information below

Adults in Squirrel Class


Class teachers:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Mrs Anderson ha@newclose.wilts.sch.uk

Wednesday: Miss Smith bs@newclose.wilts.sch.uk


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Hanney

Mrs Dixon- Forest School

Class Expectations

We have high expectations of behaviour at New Close. Everything we do is centred around our six values:

Aspire, Positivity, Pride, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility. 

When children follow these expectations they will receive verbal praise and may also receive stickers and dojo points. Those who do not follow these expectations will receive consequences. These consequences are outlined in our Good Behaviour Policy

What do I need to bring to school?

Children in Squirrel Class will need:

- their red school book bag in school every day. This should have two school books in it (one reading together book & one decodable book) their home/school reading record and their phonics folder.

- a drink (no fizzy drinks) in a separate bag, we provide the children with an optional piece of fruit for snack at break time.

- weather appropriate clothing (we aim to go outside in all weathers). It is helpful if they can keep a pair of wellies in school.

What do I need to bring to school?

You will need:

A named lunchbox and water bottle

A healthy snack for playtime

A waterproof coat 

Reading book and Reading Record

A positive attitude!


PE kits

We are continuing to ask children to wear their full PE kits to school on the days when they have PE. This year PE is on a Wednesday.PE kit is:


Red t shirt

Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/PE skirt


School jumper/cardigan. No hoodies please

It is important that the children have the correct kit as they will be wearing this as their uniform for the day.


Forest School

Forest school is currently on Wednesday afternoons. The children must bring the correct kit to school to change into. This includes waterproof clothing that can go over their PE kit - waterproof coat, trousers and a pair of wellies.


Children in Squirrel Class need to read/share a book five times a week with their grown ups. This reading should be recorded in the home/school reading record. They can also log their reading on the reading race. When the reading race is finished it can be returned to the teacher. When the children complete all five reading race they can choose a book as a prize.

Homework is set each week at the start of the school year it will link to our phonics and spelling learning and as we progress it will be either a English or and Maths task. 

Homework is designed to support your child’s learning and help them to revisit skills taught in class. We aim to keep these tasks as simple as possible but children will benefit from some support at home to complete these tasks.

All homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday. Children will receive house points for returning their homework on time.

This Term in Squirrel Class

This term in Squirrel Class are topic is 'Where we live'

We will be learning about the different features of Warminster, England and other areas of the united Kingdom. We will also be looking at different animals that live in our local area. For more information on what we are doing in our different subjects please read our Class Termly Overview below:

Term Overview

Useful Links

Click the links below for useful webpages that will help you support your child's learning at home.

Little Wandle Information for Parents 
